Saturday, August 7, 2010

My First Adventure (literally) IN Traffic!

Monday August 2nd, 2010. That's the day! The day I finally got the courage to ride my bike to work down at the Ferry 9 AM...during downtown work hour HELL!!

What an INCREDIBLE experience, though. It was SO freaking cool! It was cold and misty and I was chilling in my lane next to giant buses, swarming taxis, and stop and go idiots. I mean. Safe drivers...and stupid pedestrians. No. Actually, yeah. I do mean stupid pedestrians.

I got to use my bell. It was an efficient method to warn the crazy lady that I was coming and about to run her over, so she should probably not be jaywalking. (I would have braked, but ya know. I DO have the bell and all...)

Yeah so it was thrilling, yet scary, yet SO worth it! I even locked my bike up at the ferry bike lock up...thing. I felt so cool. Yeah. I said it. I FELT COOL LOCKING MY BIKE UP WITH MY HELMET ON!!

The little things in life, really. My life has come full circle I think. If I've gotten to the point where I find myself getting giddy over locking up an old bike with a helmet and matching backpack on...then I've definitely come full circle. Right? Right.

Anyway. Here's where I parked my bike. Yepp. I am showing you a photo of where I parked my bike.

It was a really cool San Francisco morning. Here it is.

I love my life. 

That is all.



  1. I feel an exhilaration when I see bicyclists and skateboarders zip by in the traffic so I can only imagine what it must feel like firsthand.... congrats on your 1st time downtown in the height of traffic...

  2. Isn't it a big thrill to survive the ride downtown?? I can hardly believe I was apprehensive but it really is a big step if you grew up nestled in the car culture. I love it that you love your life, as well. You are in a great city, a perfect one for spreading your wings and taking big steps you might never have imagined a few years ago.
