Sunday, August 22, 2010

Caved. Got a road bike! :)

So I did it! I was CRAVING a road bike. I wanted to be able to climb the hills and go super fast if I wanted to.

And so I found it. My road bike. At least until I decide to upgrade again! :)

I even took a train TO the bike...because I fell in love with it THAT much. Yes. A train. Caltrain, to be exact! It has two layers. It was totally awesome. :)

It was a long ride, but SO worth it! 

That's her! My cute purple Trek with white bar tape and a white saddle! 


I even finally got my tool bag together for whichever bike I take out on the road! 

It definitely took some getting used to. All of a sudden being hunched over my handle bars like that, but I've gotten it down! I even have changing gears down to a science!! 

I feel like I constantly need to be out on the road riding, it's insane! 

Yesterday I rode down to the sand. Here are some shots from that. :) 

I was on a time crunch for the sunset, so it was great to just fly down Polk and be at the water! :) 

En route to the wharf...(closest sandy area, really.) 

Rode out onto the pier at the base of Fort Mason. Saw some dudes catch a stingray?? 



Nice shadow pic. Haha. Hey helmet head!! :) 

Mission accomplished. I found sand. And sunset. All in one place. :) 

Another Pier shot...

I am starting to realize the potential of this city. And it's impact on my years to come. Me, pavement, two wheels, Dudley, and San Francisco. 

I don't need much more than that...
Happy Summer! 


Saturday, August 7, 2010

My First Adventure (literally) IN Traffic!

Monday August 2nd, 2010. That's the day! The day I finally got the courage to ride my bike to work down at the Ferry 9 AM...during downtown work hour HELL!!

What an INCREDIBLE experience, though. It was SO freaking cool! It was cold and misty and I was chilling in my lane next to giant buses, swarming taxis, and stop and go idiots. I mean. Safe drivers...and stupid pedestrians. No. Actually, yeah. I do mean stupid pedestrians.

I got to use my bell. It was an efficient method to warn the crazy lady that I was coming and about to run her over, so she should probably not be jaywalking. (I would have braked, but ya know. I DO have the bell and all...)

Yeah so it was thrilling, yet scary, yet SO worth it! I even locked my bike up at the ferry bike lock up...thing. I felt so cool. Yeah. I said it. I FELT COOL LOCKING MY BIKE UP WITH MY HELMET ON!!

The little things in life, really. My life has come full circle I think. If I've gotten to the point where I find myself getting giddy over locking up an old bike with a helmet and matching backpack on...then I've definitely come full circle. Right? Right.

Anyway. Here's where I parked my bike. Yepp. I am showing you a photo of where I parked my bike.

It was a really cool San Francisco morning. Here it is.

I love my life. 

That is all.


Sunday, August 1, 2010

Bikes Bikes and More Bikes on the Brain!

I can't stop noticing every little detail about every bike I pass now.

I'm dying to get used to my cruiser so I can move on to a road bike. Today I hit the jackpot and found Mikes Bikes down on Howard. Cesar and Matt were SO helpful!! AND...dun dun dun dunnnnn!!!

I GOT A BASKET!!! The most perfect basket, too!! I've been hunting for a great wicker basket to harness Dudley into and I found it! I have odd handle bars, so it's been quite the challenge for some reason. I thought I was going to have to dish out at least $100 on a basket. Nope! $30! It's nice and big for stowing other stuff as well! SO PUMPED!! I also got a rear view mirror because I can't seem to get the hang of turning around to watch for cars just yet. Those guys were awesome and put that on for me as well!!

I took Dudley out for a test drive in it and he loves it!! He wants to jump out if he sees another dog to play with, but we'll get passed that! He's starting to realize he's strapped in pretty snug. 

What I really love about it is that it is on a quick release clamp making the basket versatile for farmers markets and shopping. Also, no one can steal my basket if it's on my arm!! :) 

Noticing simple things like where bike lanes are located, whether or not there even is a bike lane, and the best way to ride to avoid crazy hills has become my new obsession. I feel like I've opened the doors to a completely different way of living.

I'm coming at the city from a completely different perspective now. Walking the city is one thing. Riding the city is another.

I'm in love!! :)

Here are some neat bike shots from the past week!


Monster Puppy, Rawr!!! (He was yawning. But he looks ferocious! Haha)

Caught this little beaut on my lunch break down at the Ferry Building

This is the bike parking down at the Ferry Building as well. I wanted to check it out so when I actually ride down (tomorrow) to work I know right where to be.

I liked the clever stowing of this one. Haha. Nice. 
I die for the yellow bike. It was by Public Bikes down in SOMA. Their bikes and accessories are SO adorable!!

This gem is up the street from me on my way to work. I just really love the red/burgundy color of it. It has a really great vintage feel to it. <3